Monthly Archives: February 2011


I wrote this song at 1:30 AM. I woke up with the first couple of lines running around in my head and knew I needed to finish it right then. Later that morning I had coffee with one of the … Continue reading

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‘Infinite, Universal, Unconditional’

 Not long ago, for a relatively short period of time one morning, I was acutely aware of God’s overwhelming presence with me.  This sensation was both spiritual and physical.  I knew God was there, he always is, but during … Continue reading

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I read each day’s The Upper Room Devotional as a part my time with God in the morning. I receive it via email. I file every one after I’ve read it in one of three folders: The Upper Room, where … Continue reading

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‘God is Gracious’

 During Lent last year, one of my pastors at that time, Amanda Larson, asked me to teach a roving Bible study when she couldn’t be there one night. As I prepared, using the materials she provided, one of her questions … Continue reading

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