I’m not quite sure how to expresss this in writing, but I’ll do my best…..
I was brought up Non-Denominational for virtually all, of my “growing up” years, if you will. As an adult, I virtually never attended weekly services, nor holiday worship services, because I didn’t want to be “preached to”……
I went throught the majority of my adult life (so far, anyway), going through the trials & tribulations that so many adolescents do (drinking, drugs, smoking) &…
I had some eye-opening life changes occur, beginning in 2007, with a separation from my wife, followed by, in rapid succession, surrendering our house, going through a divorce, and finding out that I needed ANOTHER Kidney Transplant (My first one was in April, 1970)…..My Mental & physical state was one of devastation…..
I was blessed to receive not only a new kidney, but a new lease on life in February 2008. I have still fought with emotional demons, but thanks to a Blessed & Glorious friend of mine, have been able to witness & accept God in my life!
I have since begun working as a volunteer with the hospital where I stayed, sharing my story of Living again with patients who have either had similar surgery, or are waiting for, the SAME “Gift of Life” that I have been blessed with!
We ALL Have a Gift Which we CAN share with others!
We are all TRULY Blessed!
Scotty Jameson