Someone once said ‘be careful what you ask for, you just might get it’,
I have a feeling that this may be the case, concerning a question I have been hounding God with for quite some time. I’ve been asking Him to tell me His desires and plans for me, and I think God may have done that recently, I’ll admit I am frightened, feeling quite inadequate, this prayer I have been praying, God seems to have answered it. As background, Guatemala never seems to be far from my mind, I think about the people there a lot, spending my time, wondering what more I can do. Awaiting direction, Lord, from you.
Now I’m afraid it’s here.
‘The Answer’
The messages from Heather come, I read them faithfully.
The problems that she brings to life, they touch me very deeply.
Medical problems left and right,
No hospital or help in sight.
People’s lives truly at stake,
while I sit and wonder what risks to take.
I could stay here and support Heather,
Get lots of thanks and praise from her.
But I’m afraid that’s not what God,
Would want to be the path I’ll trod.
He’s pushing me, dare I say prod,
I wonder how I’ll answer.
Throughout existence, God has called, workers to do His tasks,
It seems that quite a few of them, resisted when God asked.
I’ve not the words, pick someone else, that task’s impossible.
When Jonah tried to run, a whale got a belly full.
I hesitate, I worry that this may not be YOUR plan.
What about my job, my family, I’m only Lord, one man.
Who does believe You talk to us.
What would it take to build, a real hospital in Chichi?
I know nothing about such a task, why Lord, would you pick me?
You’ve given skills and talents, at times I’ve wasted them.
Through drink, tears, pain and failure, You stayed with me even then.
It surely won’t be easy, I’ve so much, Lord, to learn.
But you’ve given me so much Lord, I guess it’s now my turn.
I’ll follow where you lead me, directly I will go.
I may stumble, I may falter, at times I may be slow.
Lead on, show the way, I am yours and I pray, for faith and persistence, let’s go.
March 14, 2012
Copyright 2012. John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved.
May you feel and recognize God’s hand moving in your life, today and always!