Decision Point

Decision point
For the last 2 1/2 years Jan, John Edmund and I have been making our way through uncharted waters, led there by God on our journey through the life we share with God. In answering what we feel is God’s call, we had made a decision to spend 2-6 years in Guatemala, serving with project Salud Y Paz. We have been sailing along within sight of that looming decision but never quite getting there. We have tried to be patient as we tacked through periods of seemingly being blown further away from our goal. We lamented in despair when the doldrums set in and we felt helpless to move anywhere. We reminded ourselves that we three had each other and that God had us all.

Today, we are happy to state that I will be retiring at the end of November. We have set a goal of being in Guatemala sometime in the first quarter of 2015. There is a lot to do and we will be asking our church, family and friends to help enable us to be some of God’s hands in Guatemala through both prayer and financial support. We have been in contact with our friends at Project Salud Y Paz and they will be helping us to get the information that the General Board of Global Missions needs to get us assigned as Volunteers in Mission there. I am to help with the management of the construction of the Regional Surgery Center at Camenchaj. Jan will take over some of the accounting and bookkeeping tasks that the executive directive currently does. She will also guide John Edmund through his online high school classes. We will be taking several months worth of Spanish classes before we begin the majority of our work.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. For those who would like to know what we are up to, we will start communicating through our web site and on Facebook on a regular basis.

May each of you feel and recognize God moving in your life each day!
Jan, John Edmund and John Lage, Jr.

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One Response to Decision Point

  1. Jane Stone says:

    Congratulations, John and family! What a blessing you will be to the Guatemalan people! We will be following you all on this journey as you post updates, and I am keeping you close in my thoughts and prayers. Peace be with you! Jane Stone

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