Words for Today and Some Ways to Get God Into Your Life Each Day

Inward/Outward – The Story

IMG_6674I read the reflection for December 21,2014 from this link above this morning and the truth
that it contains burst out at me and literally took my breath away. I read it again and stopped breathing for a short while again. Please take the time to read it.

I want to put in a plug for Inward/Outward. They send out a daily email reflection that is one of the two pieces of devotional material I read on a very regular, almost daily basis. It doesn’t always hit home as this one did but it often does. One of my beloved spiritual mentors, Aileen Williams, suggested it several years ago and I’ve been using it ever since. Having it sent to my email almost always ensures that I take a little time with God each day. In addition, a few weeks ago, I asked Kayla McClurg, the author of this piece and one of the people who organize the reflections to send me an electronic copy of one of her books so I wouldn’t have to take the physical copy with me to Guatemala. With extra effort on her part, she did so…at no cost but with a suggestion that I donate to the ministry. I hadn’t followed through on the donation but did so this morning thanks to the reminder of how much some of the writing here speaks to me.

FYI…the other daily devotional I receive and use regularly is The Upper Room. You can sign up to receive it in your email at The Upper Room Devotional

If you sign up for either or these publications, consider donating to help them continue in ministry.

May you feel and recognize God working in your life today and always!

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