‘Restless Spirit’

This song sprang from the premise that our soul is the essence of what makes us who we are and that our bodies are just a phase of the eternal life that we pass through. We don’t know exactly where we’ve been or exactly where we’re going but God has a plan and we must follow it. While doing so, we should sing and praise him for his gifts and our journey. I hope you enjoy it.

‘Restless Spirit’

I wonder if I’ll ever find
The place I’m going to
This body’s just another phase
My soul is going through

Restless spirit
Traveling on
Holy Spirit,
Be my song

No longer chained, my spirit seeks
Throughout eternity
The saving grace, the holiness
The light You bring to me

Restless spirit
Traveling on
Holy Spirit,
Be my song

My hopes are soaring higher than
An eagle on the wind
My faith will carry me beyond
Where I have ever been

Restless spirit
Traveling on
Holy Spirit,
Be my song

My heart, my soul, my mind are Yours
Creator God and Kingl
Please help me serve You as I go
Your praises I will sing

Restless spirit
Traveling on
Holy Spirit,
Be my song

Copyright October 2011 John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved.

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‘Lament for the Lakota’

I recently returned from a mission trip to Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Another post will be written to tell more of that story. While there I had the opportunity to share in a ‘Sweat Lodge’ ceremony with Chief Duane Hollow Horn Bear. This song was written in the common room of the ‘Tree of Life’ visitors lodging area where we stayed. I wrote it the evening of the ceremony. The words flowed as they often do, coming so easily and rapidly to mind that I have to get them all down and then return to actually read what I have written to get the full impact of the story. I originally titled it ‘Lakota Lament’ but then realized that this was my lament for them and their loss, not their lament at all.

I leaned forward to listen
Trying to catch every word
That Chief Hollow Horn Bear had to say
He spoke both in English
And his native Lakota
He spoke of his people and their spiritual ways

What have we done
To indigenous ones
We encountered as we spread through this land?
How can we repair
What is no longer there?
There’s only one answer ‘Leave it all in God’s hands’

He spoke of the creation
Of the world we live in (long ago?)
Of the cleansings that God had to do
He quietly told us
Of the Buffalo nation
Of their efforts to help Lakota make it through

What have we done
To indigenous ones
We encountered as we spread through this land?
How can we repair
What is no longer there?
There’s only one answer ‘Leave it all in God’s hands’

He spoke of his people
Of the hardships they faced
Unemployment, despair, suicide
The tendency of
The young to turn from
The ways of the Elders, teachings of the tribe

What have we done
To indigenous ones
We encountered as we spread through this land?
How can we repair
What is no longer there?
There’s only one answer ‘Leave it all in God’s hands’

We shared in the Sweat Lodge
Heard his fears and his pain
Felt his longing to change what was now
In the heat and the dark
Heard his prayers in Lakota
What to do? What to change? Asking ‘How?’

What have we done
To indigenous ones
We encountered as we spread through this land?
How can we repair
What is no longer there?
There’s only one answer ‘Leave it all in God’s hands’

I came away
With the realization
That you and I must be God’s hands
To heal and recover
From what we’ve done to each other
To demonstrate God’s love to our fellow man

What have we done
To indigenous ones
We encountered as we spread through this land?
How can we repair
What is no longer there?
There’s only one answer ‘Leave it all in God’s hands’

Copyright October 2011 John Lage, Jr. All Rights Reserved.

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‘In Word and Deed’

Songs are coming into my mind in all kinds of situations. I was riding my stationary bike yesterday in support of my virtual ride to Guatemala. As I ride, I often focus on the first phrase of Psalms 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am god” and I was doing so then. Often additional words come to me and insert them into the repetition. Yesterday this started as “Be still, and know that I am your god”. I biked and prayed for quite a while, when suddenly the phrase ‘In word and deed’ popped on to the end of it. The words stuck and I began to add things to them in my mind. When the time for my biking ended, I got a piece of paper and in thirty minutes this song had been written down.

‘In Word and Deed’

In word and deed, I want to live
The way You want me to
In serving others, let me shine
A beacon on the way

In word and deed, with my whole heart
I’ll serve You, Lord, and always be a part
Of Your vision for creation
Following with no hesitation
I’m Yours, my God, in every word and deed

In word and deed, help others see
That I am Yours alone
The riches of, this world for me
Just tools, never a goal

In word and deed, with my whole heart
I’ll serve You, Lord, and always be a part
Of Your vision for creation
Following with no hesitation
I’m Yours, my God, in every word and deed

In word and deed, You’re all I want
I am Your servant, Lord
Today, tomorrow, after this life
With You, forevermore

In word and deed, with my whole heart
I’ll serve You, Lord, and always be a part
Of Your vision for creation
Following with no hesitation
I’m Yours, my God, in every word and deed

In word and deed, I’ll closer draw
With every passing day
I’ll strive to live as Jesus taught
In love, in prayer, in grace

In word and deed, with my whole heart
I’ll serve You, Lord, and always be a part
Of Your vision for creation
Following with no hesitation
I’m Yours, my God, in every word and deed

Copyright November 8, 2011 John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved.

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‘Helping Hands’

This song was written after I saw a billboard with the following quote while on the bus to work yeaterday.

“How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it!” ~George Elliston

Here is what Wikipedia says of Elliston, a woman, by the way.

Helping Hands

Make each day a little brighter,
For someone that you meet
Show a little kindness, lend a helping hand, as you pass by
It might be a stranger,
There could be a friend
Who needs a little help, A little something extra you’d provide

Helping hands, support each other
Helping hands, stretched out in love
Helping hands, God gave them to you
Show this world what Jesus does
When He comes into your life, you’ll change in ways, you can’t imagine now
Use your helping hands to change this world, someway, somehow

There are hungry people waiting
For food they can’t afford
A man who needs a coat, a woman with a child, and no place to live
Are you gonna walk by,
Look the other way
Or are you gonna help, can you find a way to start to give?

Helping hands, support each other
Helping hands, stretched out in love
Helping hands, God gave them to you
Show this world what Jesus does
When He comes into your life, you’ll change in ways, you can’t imagine now
Use your helping hands to change this world, someway, somehow

Where can peace be found in our world,
Yes, it must start with us
Spread a bit of God’s love, be the face of Jesus, once today
You can make a difference,
You can really help
When you become Jesus, for someone who’s hurting, stop and pray

Helping hands, support each other
Helping hands, stretched out in love
Helping hands, God gave them to you
Show this world what Jesus does
When He comes into your life, you’ll change in ways, you can’t imagine now
Use your helping hands to change this world, someway, somehow

Helping hands, God gave them to you, use them now

Copyright November 8,2011 John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved

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Answering the Call

This time, our search for a church was a relatively short one, in terms of both distance and duration. We chose Christ United Methodist Church, a large church (for me, at least) of about 1500 members, in downtown Rochester. It is still our church home today. Pastor Liz Lopez was a primary reason for the choice. She was and is a dynamic lady who led our church and our family into new and exciting territory. Liz became the District Superintendent of the Twin Cities District within the Minnesota Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. She proved to be a significant factor in my spiritual growth and direction. The most important contribution that Liz made to this growth was to get me to understand that lay people, those who are not ordained pastors, can be called and can be in ministry. In all my many years of significant participation in and around churches, this was a concept that I had never heard or at least understood in the way that Liz presented it. I had been stuck with the notion that only ordained clergy had ministries. Liz was setting the foundations that have gotten me to this wonderful place in my spiritual journey. I now know that God has called me into service. This web site and my willingness, as well as my ability, to proclaim to the world what God has done for me could not have occurred without Liz, her friendship, her ministry and her guidance. Thanks so much, Liz!

God soon sent even more change our way. Jan and I learned in April, 1999 that we would be parents. We were incredibly excited. In truth, I had given up on the idea of having a biological child. I had wanted children since the early days of my first marriage, but somewhere in my walk through the valley, I had decided that this experience was just not going to be part of my life. Boy, was I wrong! John Edmund Lage was born November 24, 1999. We had intended to name him John Elden Lage III but at the last moment decided to honor his other grandfather too, by including his first name as well. Jan’s father passed away 3 days short of a year before John was born.

Being a father has been an exciting, humbling and ever changing experience. We have been blessed with an energetic, loving, bright and wonderful child who has seemingly been blessed with leadership skills. He has been told this from a very young age and he certainly believes it. These skills will serve him well in the long run but sometimes it makes being his parent a challenge! There are days when I can only hope that it is true that God never gives us more than we can handle!

The dates that follow may not be precise but the events are told to my current recollection.
In about 2001, I believe, Pastor Liz asked me to join the Leadership Council for Christ United Methodist. I said yes and started to attend the meetings. I was asked to participate in a few activities such as a Gallop poll that was given to our church and many churches. Otherwise this was a pretty calm assignment. As my son, John, started to grow, so did his friendship with Pastor Liz. On many Sunday mornings, when the service ended, he could be found helping her to shake hands as the parishioners left the sanctuary.

I was honestly stunned in early 2003, when John Flanders, chair of the Leadership Council, approached me and asked if I would consider taking on the position of Leadership Council Chair/Lay leader for a three year stint. I almost gave him an immediate ‘no’. Before I could answer, he asked me to pray about it and told me I could get back to him in a week or two. I wanted to run and hide. I had never considered taking on such a position, especially in such a large church. I did pray about it and decided that I would handle the situation by going to inform Pastor Liz about who I was and who I had been. Surely she would take this whole decision out of my hands after hearing these things. I was nervous when I told her about the drinking, the four marriages and three divorces but she just listened and proceeded to tell me it didn’t matter. If I recall the conversation correctly, this was one of those times when Liz gave me a healthy dose of her “lay people can have ministries too” mantra. She said I should continue to pray about it. I did so and soon knew that this was what I was supposed to do next. Through the years, I have become more adept at recognizing these nudges from God. At the time, this was one of those key moments where I intentionally asked for guidance from God, as opposed to asking for specific help from God. I guess I’m trying to say I was actually listening and waiting for an answer that could go more than one way rather than just praying for one specific answer. Truthfully, God’s answer was not what I wanted it to be but it was obviously what God wanted it to be. I did listen, follow through and this too became aanother of those life changing event for me.

I took my resposibilities very seriously. I had no idea what I was doing when I began but God sent many helpers my way. At that time in our church, the Chair of this Council automatically became part of the Finance Committee, the Staff Parish Relations team and a couple of other teams as well as leading the Council itself. I stayed in the position for about 4.5 years. Our church faced a number of difficult issues during my tenure. These included:

  1. Lingering after affects from a series of misconducts occurring years before. These were still potential landmines that influenced important decisions.
  2. Recuurent and serious budgeting and money woes.
  3. Should our church remain a downtown church?
  4. An aging physical building requiring maintenance.
  5. Social justice issues such as homelessness and hunger.
  6. How to get more of our congregation involved and active in church life?
  7. Whether to continue to let a Montessori school utilize a significant percentage of our space.
  8. Changing pastoral leadership.

I’m not saying that the issues we faced were much different than what any church faces but each required time, planning and action of some sort. I learned a great deal concerning leadership of volunteers, became more dedicated in my prayer habits, and most importantly got to know and work with many of the people who made up the church. The sheer number of people it takes to make an organization of this size and complexity continue to be an active and vibrant church, is amazing.

I’m not going to dwell on the many of the specifics of my council leadership period but I am going to relate a couple of stories that bring me satisfaction and/or play a role in this spiritual journey of mine.

Pastor John Darlington had taken as Lead Pastor midyear in 2005, I think. He brought many skills and talents to our church, not the least of which was taking a prominent role in social justice and community involvement. Our church became aware that the Muslim community in Rochester would be building a new mosque. The Muslims required a place to worship while their facility was being built. I’m very proud to tell you that our church offered to let the Muslims use our facility. They eventually decided not to do so but I believe it was incredibly important that we made the offer.

The second event was my first opportunity to give a sermon. As chair of the Leadership Council, it was my responsibility to arrange the Sunday service on Laity Sunday. I went looking for someone to give the sermon. I’ll bet you can guess how that turned out. I finally gave in and decided that I would give the message. I knew just what I wanted it to be about but everytime I went to write it down, it just wouldn’t happen. I finally gave up and asked God to tell me what to say. I wrote the entire sermon in about an hour outside a Boundary Waters Canoe Outfitter while my canoeing partner waited patiently for me to finish so we could start in on our wilderness adventure. This was also my first opportunity to stand in front of hunreds of people and share the story of my journey up to that time. It was a nervous time for me but God answered my prayers and helped me to successfully tell my tale. The congregation was very supportive. That first telling of my story in public has helped me develop the ability to stand up and tell people where I’ve been. I have continued to tell my story and testify to God’s involvement in my life.

2005 also brought another change to my spiritual life. I started to meet monthly with a spiritual director, Ken Bauman. Ken is also a member of Christ UMC, and has performed in many leadership capacities within the church. He is a certified spiritual director and has been another of the key spiritual companions that God has placed in my path. Our meetings are filled with discussions of my spiritual habits, God, assignments between sessions, recommended readings and suggestions for improvements. I can definitely tell you that my spiritual life has grown in depth and breadth since this time and Ken has played a significant role in these changes and still does yet today.

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‘It’s All About You!’

I wrote this song back in April of 2011. It was one of the last songs I wrote until going on a mission trip in October 2011. I was about to do my first speaking outside of my own church. I was concerned that people would see the speech as self promotional That speech seems to be part of what triggered the block and the aching period of feeling somewhat withdrawn from God that I felt for six months or so. I now believe that my ego got in the way, perhaps because there were no instantaneous results from doing the speech. The songs are back and coming quickly these days, as you will see in the near future.

The God who supplies all these words will bless you and keep you today and always! Recognize that one simple fact and life will be wonderful and amazing!

It’s All About You

Time and again I fail to be
The kind of person You want me to be
Yet each and every time that I fall short
You forgive my transgressions and give me one more
Chance to live, as You ask me to
Always free, to find new life in You
Thank You Lord, Please

Help me to live dedicated to You
In a way that ensures that Your love will shine through
Help me to live so that others will see
What You and Your love are doing for me
And want to share that relationship too
Lord, please let them know that it’s all about You

Time and again, I cannot see
The path You’ve laid out that will set me free
I wander and roam around, lost in the dark
Then You shine Your light in the depths of my heart
Now I see, as You want me to
The new me, when I live my life in You
Thank you Lord, Please

Help me to live dedicated to You
In a way that ensures that Your love will shine through
Help me to live so that others will see
What You and Your love are doing for me
And want to share that relationship too
Lord, please let them know that it’s all about You

Time and again, I give up in fear
When I should proceed knowing You’re always near
I stop and I tremble and fall to my knees
You call my name calmly and I walk to thee
Reassured, sheltered in Your arms
Comforted, knowing I’m safe from harm
Thank you Lord, Please

Help me to live dedicated to You
In a way that ensures that Your love will shine through
Help me to live so that others will see
What You and Your love are doing for me
And want to share that relationship too
Lord, please let them know that it’s all about You

Copyright 2011 John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved.

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Scotty’s Story

I’m not quite sure how to expresss this in writing, but I’ll do my best…..

I was brought up Non-Denominational for virtually all, of my “growing up” years, if you will. As an adult, I virtually never attended weekly services, nor holiday worship services, because I didn’t want to be “preached to”……

I went throught the majority of my adult life (so far, anyway), going through the trials & tribulations that so many adolescents do (drinking, drugs, smoking) &…

I had some eye-opening life changes occur, beginning in 2007, with a separation from my wife, followed by, in rapid succession, surrendering our house, going through a divorce, and finding out that I needed ANOTHER Kidney Transplant (My first one was in April, 1970)…..My Mental & physical state was one of devastation…..

I was blessed to receive not only a new kidney, but a new lease on life in February 2008. I have still fought with emotional demons, but thanks to a Blessed & Glorious friend of mine, have been able to witness & accept God in my life!

I have since begun working as a volunteer with the hospital where I stayed, sharing my story of Living again with patients who have either had similar surgery, or are waiting for, the SAME “Gift of Life” that I have been blessed with!

We ALL Have a Gift Which we CAN share with others!

We are all TRULY Blessed!

Scotty Jameson

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‘Wholly Yours’

I’ve been going through a period of intense song writing recently.  This particular song was written on February 22-23, 2011.  I wanted to deliberately write something up tempo as I sometimes worry that my songs end up sounding the same.  I also wanted that song to be a praise song.  I started with the theme of oneness with God.  I’ve come to believe that the reason nothing can separate us from God is that God is the spark that gives us everything including life itself.  God took over and here is the result.

God bless you!

May you recognize God’s blessing in your life today and always!


Wholly Yours

Indivisible, inseparable, unified, I’m one with God‬‪
My heart’s at ease, my soul’s at peace, satisfied with what I’ve got‬‪
Wholly yours, Holy Lord, I’ve finally found my way‬‪
Help me be, your hands, oh God, as I live through this day ‬‪‬‪

    Raise your voice up high, praise his holy name
    Give yourself to God, you will never be the same
    Place your feet on the path that leads to God alone
    Walk in faith, feel his grace welcome you home

Unbelievable, unknowable, unexplained, mysterious
Yet reachable, beseechable, he’s always right with us
Wholly yours, Holy Lord, reach down to take my hand
Walk with me, along the roads, you traveled as a man.

 ‬‪‬‪   Raise your voice up high, praise his holy name
    Give yourself to God, you will never be the same
    Place your feet on the path that leads to God alone
    Walk in faith, feel his grace welcome you home

Immeasurable, uncountable, far beyond our wildest dreams
Yet you find time to spend with each and everyone, it seems
Wholly yours, Holy Lord, you listen to my prayers
And answer them in your own time, I know you’re always there

 ‬‪‬‪   Raise your voice up high, praise his holy name
    Give yourself to God, you will never be the same
    Place your feet on the path that leads to God alone
    Walk in faith, feel his grace welcome you home

Copyright 2011 John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved.

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‘Song of the Lamb’

I’ve always loved the “Good Shepherd” window you see here. It is in the front of our sanctuary at Christ United Methodist Church in Rochester, Minnesota.  I’m in our praise band and the service I most frequently attend these days is in another area of our church, so I don’t get to see this window as much as I’d like these days.  Yesterday my son sang in the 9 o’clock service so I was able to use the window as a focal point for centering myself once again.  I was listening to the sermon and gazing at the window when the first line of this song flashed through my head.  I’ll admit that I got out my blackberry and started writing the song down as my thoughts can disappear so quickly these days.  My son watched as I wrote and I got it about halfway completed before the next hymn made me put it down.  As always, I feel this talent is a gift from God and that he inspires the words.  Truthfully, I had been feeling a little distance from God over the past few days as life’s details have been occupying much of my attention.  At the beginning of that 9 AM worship service I asked God to help me get in a Lenten frame of mind.  Between the song and finding out last night that I will have my first formal opportunity to tell my faith story to a group outside the walls of my home church in a month or so, God has surely responded to this prayer. 

May you too recognize God’s actions and blessings in your life today!


Song of the Lamb

I am a sheep, I am a lamb
Resting each hour, in the palm of god’s hand
Not perfect or pure, So full of doubt
Always insecure, what’s life all about?

Why does God care ’bout each wand’ring lamb?
And welcome us back again and again
What’s in it for him, I’m sure I’ll never know
My only answer is God loves us so

I am God’s child though I go astray
Can’t stay in God’s pasture for even one day
Tempted every hour, so often I fail
To keep God in mind when caught in life’s gales

Why does God care ’bout each wand’ring lamb?
And welcome us back again and again
What’s in it for him, I’m sure I’ll never know
My only answer is God loves us so

I’m in God’s flock, when lost and alone
On the path of self interest, God calls me home
The Shepherd of All will come search all night
When I can’t find my way back to the true light 

Why does God care ’bout each wand’ring lamb?
And welcome us back again and again
What’s in it for him, I’m sure I’ll never know
My only answer is God loves us so

Jesus, please save me
I’ve lost my way
Help me get back in your arms
I’ve drifted once more
But I want to be
At home in your fold, safe from harm

Why does God care ’bout each wand’ring lamb?
And welcome us back again and again
What’s in it for him, I’m sure I’ll never know
My only answer is God loves us so

Copyright March 14, 2011 John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved.

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Mine, Yours and Ours

Mine, Yours and Ours

Acts 2:31-33 (New International Version)

31Seeing what was ahead, he spoke of the resurrection of the Christ,[a] that he was not abandoned to the grave, nor did his body see decay. 32God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of the fact. 33Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear.

We are familiar with the Gospel messages of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; but what about Timothy, Dena, Sandy, Paul, Bryan, Tanya, and everyone in this congregation.  I believe that everyone has a gospel story. The gospel, at its heart, is about different people telling their story about God and then putting them together to create a bigger story.  It was then I began thinking about the different stories – or living Gospel messages– in my own family and concentrating on just a few people I have found some incredible stories that have shaped my own story.  Each person has their own “Gospel” message.

First, my twin brother Eric. His story can be best summarized by intensity and passion. The life he led, left no doubt in anyone’s mind exactly what he was about, who he served and why.  He had an incredible assortment of Biblical study material.  He knew his Bible forward and backwards. He dedicated his time to participating in the spiritual life organizations of Dakota Wesleyan University and serving our home congregation as a youth ministry volunteer. He lived with the end in mind and at only 24, when he was struck down by a cerebral aneurysm in our driveway, the testament to his life’s work was in the 600+ people that attended his funeral.  His message was “live with passion.”

Next is my aunt Lorna. She along with her siblings, including my dad, grew up in a tumultuous environment. For many years she had nothing to do with the church and she was quite fine living that life. But it was over the past few years that changed and just about 2 years ago she decided to dedicate her life to Christ through baptism.  When she called me to share with me about her decision, she was almost speechless. But for her it was finally letting go of the past and making a decision to move on with a new life. Her message is “a new life in Christ.”

Then there is my mom. She has been a life long Christian.  Her message was serving quietly. Mom never drew attention to herself in the work that she did.  As a nurse for 35 years she had many opportunities to witness to those in need by simply being quietly present for her patients. One of her nurses told me how they found her on her knees praying silently next to her patients. Again, the impact of the life she lived was demonstrated to us just recently when over 1,000 people attended one of 3 memorial services for her this past December when she was struck and killed while crossing the street on a late afternoon. It was just over 5 years since Eric died and we were doing this again. Her message “humble and quiet service.”

My message is quite different from those above.  My gospel message is, “the life of faith is a work in progress.”  I began the spiritual journey about the same time that Eric did.  We had both attended church camp together at 15 and life was never the same again.  My gospel message is about serving like my mother, living passionately like my brother and the willingness to let life start anew in Christ like my aunt. But for me at this point in life, I am identifying with what Jesus said, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani (My God, My God why have you forsaken me?) After burying half of my immediate family by age 30, I am feeling forsaken by God. I am certain that Jesus felt the same way while hanging on that cross.  But there is even a more important message that God demonstrates with Jesus on the cross and that is that the suffering of this world will not last forever; even Jesus in all of His glory could not move God to work any faster than He wanted.  This part of the message weighs heavily on me.  My soul wants to cry out “how much longer O, God must I suffer?” And the answer is, just as He pointed out on the cross, “In my time, not yours.” Jesus did not hang on the cross forever and He did not lay in the grave forever. But for me there is more to this message and it is about growth.  Faith is not a static situation in our lives, it needs to change with the demands that life puts on us.  This is best illustrated with the birth of Jesus; he did not stay a baby forever he grew up and changed to meet the demands of the world.

I think there is great wealth in the stories that each of us has to share and I think that it is important for us to document our story and to share it.  What is your Gospel message? Where and when did you get started? How have things changed since the beginning? Where are you now? It is the Gospel message we live and share with those around us that ensures that we live well beyond the earthly life. I think that this is part of the life eternal and this is what makes the Bible a “living”  and relevant text for us today; the message it contains continues to transform lives today and tomorrow.  

Peter Kroneman

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