‘Imagine No Malaria’

The United Methodist Church is conducting a campaign to end preventable malaria deaths. For a 10 dollar donation, you can purchase a mosquito net to help save someone’s life. Find out more here.

This song is dedicated to that effort.

May you feel and recognize God’s hand moving in your life, today and always!

‘Imagine No Malaria’

What if I told you, you could save a life
With just 10 dollars, what would that feel like
Would you call me a fool or think it could be true
Would you be moved to give, what would you do?

Imagine no malaria, imagine all that means
The gift of life for millions
All those lives and dreams
The genius, love and possibilities
How many opportunities do you receive
to change the world? Yes, it’s hard to believe

God’s given each of us the chance
To give more than a passing glance
At our fellow man today
Will you give now or turn away
The United Methodist Church is asking for your help in our ‘Imagine No Malaria’ program. Donate today. 10 dollars can save a life and help God change this world!!!

February 26, 2012

Copyright 2012. John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved.

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‘Thoughts on Grace’

‘Thoughts on Grace’
Lord, Your prompting today reminds me that I still struggle with many things in my religious life even though my spiritual life is stronger than ever. I believe Jesus was God’s son, but I also believe each of us is a child of God. Was Jesus fundamentally different or did he just have the ability to focus his entire being on God or did the stories just grow with the passing years? In some ways, it doesn’t matter at all, and in some ways, this is a world changing answer. I’ll admit that I often wonder about this and wonder if I’ll ever know the answer while I’m here on earth. I do know this, Jesus did change this world and his life is the example I want to follow. Jesus opened the door to God for all of us, removing the intermediaries and allowing direct access for all. If we truly live out Jesus’ two commandments: to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves, it is virtually impossible not to live out the ten commandments. Unfortunately, for us as humans, it’s also virtually impossible to live that out in our lives. But it’s all right, God has a plan for that too. The plan is called grace and grace is available to us due to God’s great love for us. As the hymn says, this truly is ‘Amazing Grace’. It is precisely God’s grace, that allows us to come before God, broken, weary and shattered, but to still be accepted as God’s children. Accepted, in spite of our flaws, in spite of our wandering tendencies, in spite of all those things that make us human, God’s grace, given in love wipes away all those deficiencies.
As with anything God created, I believe humans are good. I suspect God has managed to figure out a way to live with things, accept, and indeed embrace things that fall short of perfection. Given the fact that we as humans still exist, after all these years of falling short, I believe this must be true. Now, if only we humans could find a way to do the same, and to show each other, a little grace.

May you feel and recognize God’s hand moving in your life, today and always!

Copyright 2012. John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved.

This was originally started in early March and modified in June 2012.

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Prayer for March 28, 2012

Great and gracious God
I return today from vacation. Sometimes I do forget to breathe during the normal hustle and bustle of life. Thank you for giving me the time to get away. Thank you for giving me the knowledge that the getaway was not a waste, that it was necessary for my well-being. Thank you for using my family to help me to see that there are other things in life and that I must play all of the different roles that you have set for me. You do indeed ask us to give our all, You are so much wiser than we are and you realize what that really means. We tend to focus on what we think it means, that we must live only for you, to the exclusion of everything else. However I believe that we should give our All to You, to the benefit of everything else in our lives. There are indeed, Lord, times when you set great tasks before us. We must always remember that you will never give us a task that is too great for us to accomplish. With your help, with your strength and support, nothing is impossible. Please help me to be a worthy tool, Lord. Give me courage when my fears start to overwhelm me. Give me strength when my body starts to be weak. Give me rest and breath when I need to stop and take a break. You have provided me with many great things, oh Lord, a wonderful family that keeps me grounded and focused on making the future better than the past. You surround me with people of faith, people who, with your help, have gone further than they ever dreamed possible People who recognize that fact and who are willing to talk and share their lives and their stories with me. Help me utilize their knowledge, their beliefs, and their learnings to do what you’re asking me to do. Help me never forget that telling the story, sharing it with others is part of the task that you ask us to do. Thank you for helping Jan to remind me that the vacation wasn’t all about me. One of the greatest tasks, and gifts, that You have placed before me is to teach John, to be with him, to share my learnings. Please help me to remember to also let him be a kid. Just as I did, he will make mistakes. Just as I do, he will need time for relaxation, for enjoyment, and for recovery.

May you feel and recognize God’s hand moving in your life, today and always!

March 28, 2012

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‘The Seeds of Doubt’

This song was written two days after ‘The Answer’. My emotions had been fluctuating wildly over that short period of time. I’d known for about nine days now, what I was to do, and had the faintest of notion of what the first steps needed to be. In a way, each day, we all face the same choices I did then. God calls to be His, each and every day, will we follow or not? I choose to follow. Some days I do a better job of it than others. I choose not out of obligation or because of force but because I choose to work for God and for the greater good that is God.

May you feel and recognize God’s hand moving in your life, today and always!


‘The Seeds of Doubt’

The seeds of doubt germinate quickly
They sprout and soon threaten
To take over the beds
Where yesterday only the blooms of pure optimism
Had flowered, the beauty of their petals spread

Once more I’ve awakened
My intestines in knots
Concerned with the don’ts, and the can’ts, and the nots
How could I have ever, believed for a minute
I could manage this project, even with God’s hands in it
What was I thinking, what can one man do?
I’d have to be crazy to believe God, that You
Could expect such a thing from a weak soul like me
Prone to give in so fast, give up so quickly
I crumble so rapidly when temptation calls
My life’s been a series of stumbles, fumbles and falls

Build a hospital in Guatemala?!

I’m unprepared to even talk of that task
Forgetting you’ll help me, that you will be with me, even before I ask
The seed has been planted, it’s started to grow
With your care, it’s now taking, on a life of its own
You’ve already led me, to some people who have
The gifts I am missing, the talents I lack
Pat, who’s building a hospital in Africa far
Heather, who lives today, where the Guatemalans are
Stu, an administrator, who’s worked in distant lands
These and some others, could become your great hands
How long has it been, Lord, since you put into motion
This plan I’m now glimpsing, starting to get a notion
Of what you might be calling me, to do with the rest of my life
How could I even possibly ponder it, you know I’ve a child and a wife
I think you ask too much, Lord
And yet, when I look back
This is nothing compared to the gifts, You gave me,
In the days when my life was completely off track
My Lord and my Savior, my God and my Friend
I know you’ll be with me through thick and through thin
You’ve proved it over and over, again and again
With You, there’s nothing that cannot be done
You created this world, You made the sun
How can I question anything that You do?
Lead me where you will, Lord, I’ll follow You

March 16, 2012

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‘The Answer’

Someone once said ‘be careful what you ask for, you just might get it’,
I have a feeling that this may be the case, concerning a question I have been hounding God with for quite some time. I’ve been asking Him to tell me His desires and plans for me, and I think God may have done that recently, I’ll admit I am frightened, feeling quite inadequate, this prayer I have been praying, God seems to have answered it. As background, Guatemala never seems to be far from my mind, I think about the people there a lot, spending my time, wondering what more I can do. Awaiting direction, Lord, from you.
Now I’m afraid it’s here.

‘The Answer’
The messages from Heather come, I read them faithfully.
The problems that she brings to life, they touch me very deeply.
Medical problems left and right,
No hospital or help in sight.
People’s lives truly at stake,
while I sit and wonder what risks to take.
I could stay here and support Heather,
Get lots of thanks and praise from her.
But I’m afraid that’s not what God,
Would want to be the path I’ll trod.
He’s pushing me, dare I say prod,
I wonder how I’ll answer.

Throughout existence, God has called, workers to do His tasks,
It seems that quite a few of them, resisted when God asked.
I’ve not the words, pick someone else, that task’s impossible.
When Jonah tried to run, a whale got a belly full.
I hesitate, I worry that this may not be YOUR plan.
What about my job, my family, I’m only Lord, one man.
Who does believe You talk to us.

What would it take to build, a real hospital in Chichi?
I know nothing about such a task, why Lord, would you pick me?
You’ve given skills and talents, at times I’ve wasted them.
Through drink, tears, pain and failure, You stayed with me even then.
It surely won’t be easy, I’ve so much, Lord, to learn.
But you’ve given me so much Lord, I guess it’s now my turn.
I’ll follow where you lead me, directly I will go.
I may stumble, I may falter, at times I may be slow.
Lead on, show the way, I am yours and I pray, for faith and persistence, let’s go.

March 14, 2012
Copyright 2012. John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved.

May you feel and recognize God’s hand moving in your life, today and always!


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‘When Are We Gonna Learn?’

‘When Are We Gonna Learn?’

There’s a lot of hating in this world today
Why can’t we just get along?
Most of us find reasons to hate someone some where
We try to make them feel is if just living here is wrong

When are we gonna learn?
When are we gonna get it?
When are we gonna turn,
Back to the One who loves us?
Lord, help us understand that
You are always there
When the whole world turns its back on us
That You will always care

There’s a lot of hurting in this world today
Why can’t we just help someone out
Try to make some time to be compassionate
That’s part of what walking God’s path is all about

When are we gonna learn?
When are we gonna get it?
When are we gonna turn,
Back to the One who loves us?
Lord, help us understand that
You are always there
When the whole world turns its back on us
That You will always care

There’s a lot of selfishness around today
People looking out just for themselves
So many need so much, just stop, open your eyes
We’ve got so much to give, more than we realize

When are we gonna learn?
When are we gonna get it?
When are we gonna turn,
Back to the One who loves us?
Lord, help us understand that
You are always there
When the whole world turns its back on us
That You will always care

There’s a lot of souls lost in this world today
With no place where they belong
Most of us try to keep God so far away
We try to make it on our own though we’re not really strong

When are we gonna learn?
When are we gonna get it?
When are we gonna turn,
Back to the One who loves us?
Lord, help us understand that
You are always there
When the whole world turns its back on us
That You will always care

Copyright 2012. John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved.
June 13, 2012

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I had breakfast today with my spiritual director and dear friend, Ken Bauman. We talked of our church and how in some ways it seems to have to learn the same lessons over and over again. Something, perhaps God’s spirit, led me to suggest that it wasn’t the church learning over and over again but it was the new leaders in the church who had to learn those lessons. We went on to discuss the the possibility that planting seeds within people and building a spiritual foundation within them, might be the primary work of this church. This song is some of the fruit of that particular discussion.
I’d like to dedicate it to Ken, who has been an instrument of God in bringing about change in my life. Thank you, my friend!!!

May each of you feel and recognize God’s hand moving in your life, today and always!



What if our church isn’t supposed to be
A bonfire burning bright for all the world to see?
What if we’re to burn, with a slow and steady flame
Lighting fires in God’s children, sending them off in God’s name?

Come, warm your souls, over the campfire we provide
Together, light a spark, as we talk side-by-side
God’s with us everywhere, anywhere we go
God guides and nurtures us because God loves us so

What if getting bigger, isn’t our true goal
What if showing people God, lives within their soul
Is more important than our building, more important than our count
Of people in the pews on Sunday, what would that be all about?

Come, warm your souls, over the campfire we provide
Together, light a spark, as we talk side-by-side
God’s with us everywhere, anywhere we go
God guides and nurtures us because God loves us so

What if we could build, foundations so secure
In those who entered our church, that we could be sure
The sparks that we ignited, would stoke the fires within
All those who warm their hands here, as their spirit’s trek begins

Come, warm your souls, over the campfire we provide
Together, light a spark, as we talk side-by-side
God’s with us everywhere, anywhere we go
God guides and nurtures us because God loves us so

It’s really hard for us, to know the good we do
This modern world’s spread out, so much is out of view
Touch everyone you can, spread God’s love all around
Then others will catch fire, God’s limits know no bounds

Come, warm your souls, over the campfire we provide
Together, light a spark, as we talk side-by-side
God’s with us everywhere, anywhere we go
God guides and nurtures us because God loves us so

Copyright 2012. John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved.

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‘Simply Amazing’

This song was written on one of those days when I stopped to wonder how God manages to do what only God can do. Keep this astounding world running while somehow finding a way to be there for each of us. Stop today and think about that for a bit,

May you feel and recognize God’s hand moving in your life, today and always!


‘Simply Amazing’

I’ve had the honor of seeing many wondrous things
In this world in which God has placed us
It’s simply amazing and when I stop and think
Of how it all fits together perfect in so many ways
Precise beyond my ‘magination
Its complexity fills me with awe
God put this plan into motion
For reasons that we’ll never know
But the thing that astounds me far more than this
Is that He loves us so much and really wants us to know

We are cherished by the One who created all that we see
While God’s running this world
Making each atom whirl
God still finds time to listen to me
Pause for a moment and ponder
It’s hard to get your mind around that
In my heart I believe, in my soul I am sure
Though amazing, this is simply a fact
God saved me from my deepest trouble
Brought me back from the depths of despair
Through the good and the bad, every moment I’ve had
God has always been there

The beauty of each of God’s wonders
That I’ve had the privilege to see
Grand Canyon, the ocean, the dark starry sky
An eagle on wing, my son’s first noisy cry
A lake way up north when there’s no one else there
Quiet nights spent with my wife, beyond compare
But the thing that astounds me far more than this
Is that He loves us so much and really wants us to know

We are cherished by the One who created all that we see
While God’s running this world
Making each atom whirl
God still finds time to listen to me
Pause for a moment and ponder
It’s hard to get your mind around that
In my heart I believe, in my soul I am sure
Though amazing, this is simply a fact
God saved me from my deepest trouble
Brought me back from the depths of despair
Through the good and the bad, every moment I’ve had
God has always been there

The beauty of each of God’s wonders
That I’ve had the privilege to see
A coral reef’s creatures in motion
A whale’s tail as he starts to dive
A volcano smoking and rumbling
A bustling busy bee hive
Mountains covered in snow,
Sky all aglow as I watch an awesome sunset
A moose and her calf, a deep hearty laugh, every person I’ve ever met
But the thing that astounds me far more than this
Is that He loves us so much and really wants us to know

We are cherished by the One who created all that we see
While God’s running this world
Making each atom whirl
God still finds time to listen to me
Pause for a moment and ponder
It’s hard to get your mind around that
In my heart I believe, in my soul I am sure
Though amazing, this is simply a fact
God saved me from my deepest trouble
Brought me back from the depths of despair
Through the good and the bad, every moment I’ve had
God has always been there

Copyright 2012. John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved

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‘Speak Through Me’

The song was written March 7, 2012 as I was thinking about how I got to a place where I could write and share with others these songs and other musings. That I am doing this, simply does amaze me as I am a very logical person,

May you feel and recognize God’s hand moving in your life, today and always!


‘Speak Through Me’

My thoughts escape, released it seems when I start to compose
The words I didn’t know I had, pour out and start to flow
Inspired by the hand of God
To a man of logic, it seems so odd
I simply am amazed

A reader I have always been
My books sometimes my closest friends
Transporting me beyond my means
To times and places from my dreams
The authors took me there

To outerspace or World War II
To Lincoln’s home or God, to You
There were no limits, fences, bounds
That my mind couldn’t get around
When wandering through those words

I hope my words are able to
Reach out to others, show them You
In ways that help them comprehend
Your love for them will never end
It’s all that really matters

My writing seems to fill a need
It nurtures, anchors, centers me
Reminding me you’re always here
To calm my soul, allay my fears
My needs you will provide

Speak through me, Lord, use my words
Arrange them so they will be heard
Our broken world cries out for clues
Help me to show them, Lord, that you
Will always be the answer!

Copyright 2012. John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved.

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‘Seize the Moment’

This song was inspired by a boat named ‘Seas the Moment’ seen on interstate 35 while returning from a weekend hiking on the Superior Hiking Trail. My friend, Ron Wadley, was driving so I actually wrote it while on the road. Ron had quadruple bypass surgery in April 2011. He has seized his moment in coming back from surgery and has done five or six 5K races in the last few weeks. I’m very proud of him for any number of reasons and am very glad that he’s my friend. This song is dedicated to you, Ron. June 10, 2012

May you feel and recognize God’s hand moving in your life, today and always!


‘Seize the Moment’

Seize the moment, grab it now
God is waiting for you to allow
Him to enter and direct your life
Don’t waste one more moment, time is passing by
God is calling, can you hear Him, my friend
Wait too long and your life will end
God is calling, He will set your soul free
Answer God’s call and soon you will see

God’s message is simple, I truly believe
We’ve only to recognize God to receive
His love and His grace and His guidance each day
God loves each of us, it’s always been that way

Seize the moment, grab it now
God is waiting for you to allow
Him to enter and direct your life
Don’t waste one more moment, time is passing by
God is calling, can you hear Him, my friend
Wait too long and your life will end
God is calling, He will set your soul free
Answer God’s call and soon you will see

There’s nothing that can stand between God and you
Except for your ego, it’s so very true
We distance ourselves from what we need the most
The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost

Seize the moment, grab it now
God is waiting for you to allow
Him to enter and direct your life
Don’t waste one more moment, time is passing by
God is calling, can you hear Him, my friend
Wait too long and your life will end
God is calling, He will set your soul free
Answer God’s call and soon you will see

Copyright 2012. John Lage, Jr. All rights reserved

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